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Giardino evokes the generosity, humor and simplicity of Italian gastronomy with its unquenchable thirst for life and appreciation of exquisite flavors.

Elizabeth Abrigado

32 years

I enjoy a classic pasta with quality ingredients. And this pasta is absolutely delicious. The same can be said for all the free toppings!! Thank you so much, guys.

Bradley Crawford

41 years

This restaurant has a great attitude and delivers delicious dishes at great prices. Thank you so much for excellent service and the best pasta in my life.

Elsa Francis

19 years

Cucina creativa italiana prevalentemente a base di pesce fresco di mare e prodotti dell'orto, nella collina Biellese, a Camburzano.

Ristorante Da Armando online
Prenotazione consigliata

Via Larissone, 4 - 13891 Camburzano (Biella)
Tel. 015 591895 -



Sito realizzato da Giò bottega grafica - Valdilana - Biella